I need a soulmate who understands what I am talking about and who is willing to sacrafice short term pleasure for Everlasting Love. And in the long run in my opinion that is what creates True Romantic, Everlasting Love the way God intended.
I'm looking for a woman who is honest, sweet, giving, considerate, communicative, maybe believes in God and shows it through her actions, not materialistic, who does NOT try to be the center of attention, and who realizes what are the truly valuable things in life.
There has to be a certain amount of physical attraction and chemisty on both sides, and someone who is in reasonably good shape, but our personalities must definately click.
I'm not always so deep, I usually like to joke around and have fun, but in important matters I have to let you know who I am and what I'm thinking.
The 4 most important traits in a good relationship for me are (and in no particular order): 1)Communication 2)Trust 3)Compromise and 4)Believes in a higher power..some sort of Deity and tries to be a better person to humanity in one way or another. I cannot have a good relationship without all four, not 3 out of 4 but I need all four.
I live about 50 miles just north of NY City.
Thanks if you took the time to read all this.