Voluntary Celibacy Group (NEW Posting Feature - BETA - In Development) 1055 members

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Newbie here!
So good to be here! I'm looking forward to getting to know you all better.

So how come I'm voluntarily celibate? Like Don Juan Demarco, I suffer from a romanticism that is completely incurable. I just find I cannot do the casual S-- scene. I am no longer willing to settle for anything less than a committed, loving relationship. Sadly, I only seem to find men who are interested in sex, but not in love, and I just am willing to be alone rather than settle.

Gosh, there are so many different topics I'm interested in. What are YOUR interests?
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celibate relationships have turned out to be more meaningful
I choose to be celibate because it takes the pressure off me in the relationship, ive been celibate for 5 years now and have had several relationships where S-- was not involved and they were just as meaningful to me and closer.

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If only I had been celibate...
There was an article in the papers today about how the intelligence and espionage outfits in India and Pakistan are increasingly using honey-traps as to gain the strategic advantage. And the person who bears the brunt is inevitably the one who felt the temptation was too good to resist.

And sometimes, it could be. The promise of a good time with the best that money can buy.

That got me thinking... if our intelligence agents were given some celibacy training before their assignments, they'd make much better undercovers...

What professions can you think of where being celibate is a direct advantage that can strengthen one's profile?

"na tve vAham jAtu nAsam..."
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Help I'm new to celibacy!!!!
Hi I'm new to celibacy. I'm a Buddhist and hope to ordain one day and giving celibacy a try to see how it goes. I'm 2 weeks into it and I was just wondering what tips people could be given to a newbie

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Please, please post your photos!
Hey there everyone,

It's hard enough as it is just trying to find someone who is like-minded in this lifestyle, but so many of you get passed by if you don't put your photo up there or tell us much about yourself! I want to meet someone, but I can't if I don't know who you are! Please post photos!!! And guys, especially, give a little more detail in your profile -- we don't care how you say it -- just say SOMETHING! :)) :-o :!: [b:6fba830ece]

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The reason I am celibate...
I've had trouble in the past, so now i am going to be celibate till i get a boyfriend. But even then he will have to wait 1-3 months. I have been celibate for 15 months, but i'm sure i'll be able to go another 4-5 months just fine. :)
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A group for those who have chosen to abstain from sexual activity for personal reasons.
Rules - Post And Be Seen
(BETA - In Development)
Posts must be specific to the Voluntary Celibacy Group
There are a LOT of groups within this site and throughout the network. Only post comments and replies specific to this group in this area.
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1) Hate Speech
2) Ethnic Slurs
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4) Harassing Other Members
5) Posting Any Full Name
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Keep It In Your Pants!
The following are grounds for account deletion:
1) Sexual Comments
2) Sexual Innuendo
3) Sexual Requests
4) Sexual Stories
5) References To Sexual Activity
Basically, this isn't a sex site and if you try to use it like one, you will be deleted!
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