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I am here now and this is my choice

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject: I am here now and this is my choice

I made the choice to not have s--. I am not sure why or what caused me to make this choice. I do not know if I am an asexual, celibate or something else. I think my religion had a part in this choice and I think bad relationships also had a part in this decision. This is who I am now, I am a person who does not have s--. I am not broken or dysfunctional. I am a little confused but that is nothing new. I may not have friends. I am just me.

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February 28, 2013
Posts: 2

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`Hi crystalredrose. Those sound like some good reasons to shut it down. You can do more harm than good by not abstaining. You seem like you are not sure what you are doing so you will just stop before you encounter some damage. You will figure it out at some point but in the meantime you have no intention of going any further down the road until you are sure you are on the right road.

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject: I am scared but at the same time overjoyed!

I have made the decision to become celibate until I have my career and my personal goals in order. I realize that I have spent so much time and energy dealing with the roller coaster of relationships. After years in a very abusive relationship i have been given a second chance at life! I am free and I am free to make my life my own! This is SUCH A GIFT! a gift which I prayed for night after night.

My choice of celibacy is one that comes from taking back my control. Taking back my self respect. I am learning to love myself the way I should have all along. I can see my potential and I know my inner voice is guiding me in the right direction. It's up to me to listen and to take action.

I was so excited when I found a website where I could get emotional support through this change in my life. I want to stay inspired and sometimes that's hard living in the world we live in.

I look forward to speaking with like minded individuals and hearing your stories!

You are special. You are important. There is no one else who can take your place. You are AWESOME

God Bless!

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April 13, 2014
Posts: 3

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`I made the decision because there's something in S-- that I don't understand. In my experience, for a guy releasing oneself leads to a kind of dullness (lasting until one gets h---- again). I stopped caring about people, felt dull and empty. I couldn't understand what's the point in swapping a permanent emotional and compassionate state for a 10 seconds of more intense enjoyment.
ALso, with this decision the horniness part transcended as well. It's a blissful state not seeking i's own end. So instead of having horniness and dullness alternating, I'd rather take a more permanent state of caring and- yes, loving, about everybody I may encounter.

Keep your spirits high!

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