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I wonder why a mother must leave?

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June 21, 2007
Posts: 1

PostPosted:     Post subject: I wonder why a mother must leave?
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For some reason, I have spent the last 32 years without a man in my life. I usually get, I must be a %$#@* to live with, but I don't think that's it. I think the real reason is I have something a lot of women lost, and that is self respect for themselves. I hear of young girls and older women showing everything they own on cams, which I fail to see why, unless ther'e so unsure of them selfs. Yes I know, they will say they do it due to being sure of themselves and their body. I wonder how sure they are going to be, when their 5 year old son ask " Mommy, are these pictures of you?" Charlie my friend found them in his daddies dresser."
What every happen to women having respect for themselves, and how can you expect a man to respect you when to me it seems a lack of self respect?
Maybe I'm just not up with all this exposing oneself either on tv to get their Jerry beads. Then maybe someone can tell me, why with all this exposeing of ones self, why is it that mothers who breast feed in public, are asked to leave the room? :
Talk about double standers!

A lady named Kassie
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August 29, 2010
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This was posted over 3 years ago, but I'm still hoping this site will come alive if even just a few people start responding here. So here goes -

I totally agree with the double-standard regarding breast-feeding. Women's number one role is being hidden, even branded as illegal or at the very least - shameful whereas the constant exposure of women in the news and ads, etc. is encouraged! In that regard, I'm more like Muslim women than people in my own community. One Muslima put it, "We prefer to take our bodies out of the public conversation." Isn't that well put?

I believe S-- is the opiate of the masses. They expose themselves because they are addicts of the psychology. They are asleep.

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December 20, 2010
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PostPosted:     Post subject: Good points
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Catiefaye I think you made an excellent point. Everyone has been so lulled to sleep by how much S-- is in the atmosphere that there is no rationale to our views of ourselves or each other much less natural processes & functions.

Kassie the double standard is so prevalent because its in vogue to be hypocritical.

Too many people speaking and acting from their insecurity.

Take The High Road
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August 29, 2010
Posts: 46

PostPosted:     Post subject: Re: Good points
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thehighroad wrote: Catiefaye I think you made an excellent point. Everyone has been so lulled to sleep by how much S-- is in the atmosphere that there is no rationale to our views of ourselves or each other much less natural processes & functions.

Kassie the double standard is so prevalent because its in vogue to be hypocritical.

Too many people speaking and acting from their insecurity.

Take The High Road

Thanks, THR! Isn't it awful that such a huge portion of the world is in that state? I know someone who says he is controlled by the chemicals in his body. To me that's as bad as accusing God of telling someone to commit murder. We are as in control of ourselves as we believe we are, is what it seems to boil down to in my mind.

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February 27, 2009
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If I may, I think the architects of modern "society" fear the role of woman as maternal, mother and matriarch--because it is a direct threat to the present philosophy of societal darwinism and directly opposes destruction and war. The objectification of women strips us of our greatest power, which is not to be vessels for male genitalia, but to be vessels of life and love. If we were living in a society that respected the "female" qualities, we might inspire the world towards peace with the reminder that we are all of us part of a greater family. It is difficult to wage wars, ignore the hungry, and parasitize the Mother in a matriarchal society. So prevent it at all costs by suppressing the feminine.

Last edited by naturegirlliz on Thu Jan 31, 2013 3:49 am; edited 1 time in total
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