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Spiritual Celibacy

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August 29, 2010
Posts: 46

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Part of my motivation for taking this stance is spiritual. I'm not religious. It was more an extension of my realization that this world is over-sexed. As I reflected on it, I also encountered my own perspective on energy and emotions.

Imagine, if you don't already believe, that we have an energy body that is sort of a bridge between the emotional-physical realm and the spiritual realm. I feel that excitement upsets the energy body. Like eastern philosophy (and maybe western - I don't know much about that) it is calm that is the goal because it relaxes the energy body and opens us to further experience the world and all its wisdom and beauty. We then can become more a part of it, increasing compassion and health and strength.

So, spiritual celibacy is part of why I've taken this stance.

I have to say, though, that I don't know if this will be lifelong. I have been se---lly active and if that were desired by my partner, I might also like to return to it. It depends on the relationship and if it felt addititve or not.

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December 20, 2010
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`I can appreciate that stance. In the past & up to recently I've had a tendency to s----lize relationships (probably as most men do) right from the start. I've always wanted authentic & intimate relation from one human being to another but I never learned hoe to douse the fire inside.

Now I'm recently divorced & striving to master s----l energy while remaining celibate until I marry again (if that ever happens) (Oh please let it happen again LOL).

But on a serious note I long to see and experience people relating to one another on that deep a level before or without S-- coming into play.


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August 29, 2010
Posts: 46

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`Hi HighRoad,

Sorry, I didn't see you had responded until just now. There's been so little activity here, I've stopped checking very often.

Yes, achieving that depth seems to only be possible without s----l energies involved. I suspect, though, that once that is attained, bringing them back into play would detract. What do you (or anyone reading this) think?

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September 14, 2011
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`HI, my name is denise,
I made the chose to become celibate after i relized that all my relationships were s----l in nature. i relize that i want someone in my life who wants to get to know me as a person first. someone who has feelings and is a kind and loving person not just someone to sleep with.
I find it very hard to find someone who wants to be friends first and then see where it leads. men look at me like i am crazy when i say i want to e friends first.I don't know weather it is because of my age i am 54 or it's not done that way anymore i feel like i just don't fit anywhere in this dating seane so i guess i will stay single until GOD sends me someone to love.

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