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Searching For My Soulmate

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August 18, 2010
Posts: 4

PostPosted:     Post subject: Searching For My Soulmate
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We've been searching for one another for some time now, but finding a needle in a haystack is darn near impossible, and so we abandoned ourselves to Synchronicity. On bended knee we presented our free will to the Divine, and humbly accepted our destiny. Having full faith in the Power of Providence and Intelligent Design, we opened our heart and mind to the potential Reality of Everything. We transcended the contradictions of our ignorance, and abide in the Paradox. And last but not least, we kept ourselves available, each awaiting the Word from the Lady of the Lake, and then after all these years I finally receive the locution to meet You at the alter, and here I am, but where are You? I have an idea in my mind's eye as to who my Bride is, through a better understanding of who I am, and what it is that my heart desires. After all, the shoe must fit! I'm looking for someone who has sacrificed S-- for a more true, intimate, and spiritual love.... an agape love. She must possess both the desire and the courage to break free from the Intermediary of our history, to seek God as God is in God's Self. She must also embody the attributes of the Empress, and the "object" of Her affection must be Intelligence itself. I would like to become penpals over the course of the next five years, and believe that this is the best way for our spirits to become entangled in a state of solidarity. I am a celibate, seeking another celibate, and have looked both high and low for my All Significant Other. Have you Seen Her? Is She here? Oh how I've missed You my lovely Shekinah..... my wonderful Mystery! From beginning to end You are my Heart and Soul, my Bride, my Love, and my sweet, sweet, Paraclete. Oh She of the Throne, You're an immaculate Conception, and a dream come true! Please, please, my Rising Sun, my Full Moon, and my Bright Morning Star! Oh please now my dearest Felicity..... come to me. And then by means of Prayer and Invocation, the Princess awakes, and we are complete.

Last edited by peterson515 on Mon Sep 20, 2010 1:12 am; edited 11 times in total
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August 29, 2010
Posts: 46

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`Gorgeous, Peterson515! May you find your mate. Blessings! :-)

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Posted:     Post subject: Re: Searching For My Soulmate

peterson515 wrote: We've been searching for one another for some time now, but finding a needle in a haystack is darn near impossible, and so we abandoned ourselves to Synchronicity. On bended knee we presented our free will to the Divine, and humbly accepted our destiny. Having full faith in the Power of Providence and Intelligent Design, we opened our heart and mind to the potential Reality of Everything. We transcended the contradictions of our ignorance, and abide in the Paradox. And last but not least, we kept ourselves available, each awaiting the Word from the Lady of the Lake, and then after all these years I finally receive the locution to meet You at the alter, and here I am, but where are You? I have an idea in my mind's eye as to who my Bride is, through a better understanding of who I am, and what it is that my heart desires. After all, the shoe must fit! I'm looking for someone who has sacrificed S-- for a more true, intimate, and spiritual love.... an agape love. She must possess both the desire and the courage to break free from the Intermediary of our history, to seek God as God is in God's Self. She must also embody the attributes of the Empress, and the "object" of Her affection must be Intelligence itself. I would like to become penpals over the course of the next five years, and believe that this is the best way for our spirits to become entangled in a state of solidarity. I am a celibate, seeking another celibate, and have looked both high and low for my All Significant Other. Have you Seen Her? Is She here? Oh how I've missed You my lovely Shekinah..... my wonderful Mystery! From beginning to end You are my Heart and Soul, my Bride, my Love, and my sweet, sweet, Paraclete. Oh She of the Throne, You're an immaculate Conception, and a dream come true! Please, please, my Rising Sun, my Full Moon, and my Bright Morning Star! Oh please now my dearest Felicity..... come to me. And then by means of Prayer and Invocation, the Princess awakes, and we are complete.

Very good post, I would just add to it that soul mates are unlimited, they live and work always on unlimited possibilities.
Thank you
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March 1, 2012
Posts: 3

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`01 did select 'searching for soulmate' but it appears to be an option frequented with idealists rather than pragmatists...

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March 20, 2012
Posts: 3

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`That was really beautiful...I've swum in a lake before so we have that in common, but unfortunately I'm not a lady..good luck with finding your soulmate, I hope I will also be so lucky

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