I honestly don't care about how big or small you are, how much money you have, what type of car you drive or what you do for a living. Give me warm puppy tummies, potted pansies, merry family holidays, and brie and pears on a park bench (while people-watching!) over diamonds, orchids, 5-star restaurants and your vintage Lagonda - you will hold my heart forever... Prefer traditional gender roles and hope there are some gentleman left!
I DO care that you are at least *socially* liberal, live-and-let-live, kind, empathic and compassionate, either love animals or can tolerate my love for them with a smile, whether you can trust and love without reserve, and you must be able to see the lighter side of life at least most of the time. I can find the humor in just about ANY situation and I gotta tell you, an amazing number of people find that very annoying, as though they WANT to be upset! If you're a glass-half-empty sort, I'll buy you a smaller glass so we can fill it up.
Don't keep me waiting. WRITE! At this point, I want to hear about YOU!