I loooove the beach, I love music in general but I can hardly ever name a song or artist, though I know a bunch of songs by heart. I love to dance, and sing out loud especially by myself in the car, never been to karaoke though I’ve wanted to and have been told I should (kinda shy). I like art, not an expert by far, but I love to draw and appreciate others works. I like to read but I haven’t done it consistently in a while, I never got the knack of learning how to pick out a book on my own, I was always recommended stuff by friends. Hopefully someone else is as bored (but not boring) and desperate as me out there and we can hang out. I love to try new things generally, and finding a couple to hang out with would be super too for when my husband is available. He owns a sail boat we never use because I had a horrible first experience, but I promised on his birthday I’d try once more, and he still hasn’t used that free pass, so who knows