raafay (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: v-day came n broguht sorrows with it |
Like every year i wondered someone living somewhere in the world would send me a valentines card. none sent any.
i couldnt have expected a card from my first crush who was my biology teacher when i was in standard 10. i fell in love with her the day i saw her in the class. she was a specimen of a lady.thin lips, full bossomed and a curvacious midriff( she wore a saree). i entered college and with that she faded away from my view and imagination.
i chose civil engineering as my grad course and there was a gal called rupa. she had curly hair and a beautiful face. after seeing her many times getting out of an auto rickshaw with my classmate i dropped myself from the competition. there was stiff competition though coz we had 6 girls in our class for almost 60 guys.the odds were too high for me to get a valentine and the chances 1 to 10.
what r the chances of getting a date when u r not very confident, neither funny nor have any special talent in sports or play a musical instrument. to boot i became celibate becoz of depression.
sometimes i wonder what people do on a valentines day.frankly i have no experience wahtsoever. may be guys present gurls with gold earrings, a nose ring may be if u r low budget becoz v-day comes just after a spending spree on christmas and new year.
i think they exchange flowers,red roses maybe, go to a nice restraunt to have a cozy dinner but i dont know the feeling.
this year i eagerly went to the cafe to check my account on celibatepassions.com hoping against hope that maybe someone living somewhere in the world might have liked my profile and sent me a greeting or even better a boquet of red roses.
iam like the boy who waves at the train passengers in hope someone waves back in the short story the night at the hotel
this year also went without an incident. but iam an optimist. i will wait for the day when someone says I LOVE U sincerely and heartily.