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Last Hope (but doesn't mean there IS any)

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject: Last Hope (but doesn't mean there IS any)

Well, I have nothing to lose by being honest because I have nothing to gain, and I'm only really here so I can exhaust the last option. No matter how many times I resign myself to loneliness, I always think about it. Constantly. Have never had much if any familial affection, and although people say i'm kind, interesting, and likeable, I can't let myself even be friends with people. So I guess I would like more honest opinions.... because I've only ever told a few people this, and am then unable to look at them anymore, let alone talk to them.

I'm female, but i have hirsutism. Or at least, I call it that. Without my glasses, i look fine (to my own vision of course!) and i couldnt grow a beard if i tried or anything like that. It's not really coarse but its dark, and its everywhere in varying degrees from only noticable close up, to... i HAVE to cover that up. People have said i'm "pretty" or "cute" in the past, and its only those people that i've really told, because i can't stand people thinking im something i'm not. I look at myself in the mirror in the evenings and think, what a waste.

The person i feel inside is trapped very deep inside. If only I was normal i'd be incredibly affectionate and physical if needs be. One person once said he would have S-- with me despite it but i didn't actually like him (nor believe him).

So... as a community less concerned with sex, do you think it's remotely possible anyone could love me for WHO I am? I disgust myself, and all these female based adverts on TV now hurt so much i can't even look at them. I don't care about my weight or shape or anything, just what's on my body. I'm only human (just about) and it affects a small percentage of people, but I have so much love to give and would rather know sooner than later if it's doomed to die with me.

It's a big deal to me. I've looked into everything so please don't bring up all the removal methods :/

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

`My Dear, Beauty is in the eye of the beholder! I see no kindness in telling the beholder that their eyes are simply lying to them and that you are not what they do in fact see. It also would appear that you would be calling the person a liar who sees your inner or outter beauty and, comments on such, simply for the reason that you yourself believe otherwise. In such regards you do not serve yourself nor the beholder in a fair and wise manner. Simple advice would be to enjoy the beholder and said comments, and ignore the ugly comments as coming from ugly minded people. Outter beauty fades away quickly but, inner beauty is eternal. Quit beating yourself up and enjoy those friends who enjoy you for yourself. I am sure that there are many such friends if you will let them be just that. Look at all the disfigurement that comes from war and many other tragic circumstances and then, look at yourself more closely and, you may just find a normal looking human being! Love yourself, God loves you, as do others.

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October 11, 2012
Posts: 2

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`Why do you feel that you need to be celibate and alone because of some extra hair?

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

`Absolutely, someone could love you as you are. Absolutely. No doubt in my mind.
You start loving yourself for the unique being that is you. You don't have to look or be like everyone else. That's just a big fat propaganda lie made up by patriarchy and capitalism in combination. What is important is the capacity for love and kindness.

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