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spritual, but not religious group suggestion

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August 29, 2010
Posts: 46

PostPosted:     Post subject: spritual, but not religious group suggestion
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Posted:     Post subject: Celibates' CyberChapel

`Yes. Like the Celibates' CyberChapel


PS: the "Poll"-function was not working when I posted this

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January 5, 2005
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We will have tech support look into this, but on first glance it looks like the poll was not set up correctly.

In any case, with regards to the issue raised, we do not think we should create a specific 'Group' like the one described...because we would have to create a Group for every religion if we did that.

Instead, we'd like to point out that members can use the Search system to find members who have specifically defined themselves as 'Not Religious, But Spiritual'.

It's not quite as easy as just going to the Groups page and clicking a link, but it's pretty easy to run a Search...and of course members can choose whatever Search criteria they would like.

So for those of you seeking fellow Christians, or Catholics, or Wiccans, etc...feel free to use the Search system to find other members.



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Posted:     Post subject: Found the Celibates'CyberChapel - it was here all the time!

Hello Feedback,

Thank you for the timely answer.

Thank you for the option "not Religious, but Spiritual" under "Religious Views" in the Profile. Had it not been there I would have skipped Religion and probably the (Celibate)Passions sites altogether. May God Bless you for it.

Please forgive me for not seeing that the "Spirituality" Forum is already here:
in the "General" subjects, right underneath "Religion".
The first post on "Spirituality" dates from 25 Sep 2010, shortly after the request had been entered on 30 August 2010, right here-above
Thank you Feedback for making it happen, and again please forgive me for not looking before writing.


This brought me to a new suggestion, to the CelibatePassions Lab this time:

What I understand from catiefaye and many fellows here and elsewhere, is that so many people identify themselves as "spiritual not religious" regardless of what denominations christian churches and/or mosques and/or synagogues and/or temples they visit, regardless of the scriptures they study. For example one may read the Vedas and find out the same info was in the Bible all along.

Religions are too finite, too limited and too limiting. That is why more and more people define themselves as "Spiritual not Religious". Moreover: it is my impression there is a considerably higher percentage of "Spiritual not Religious" folks among Celibates/Nonsexuals/ChastityNuts/LifelongVirgins/Platonics than in the general population.

Maybe you would like to find out the statistics. Maybe you already have the answer - in our profiles! I hope you will soon let us know

Thank you
May God Bless You

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