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Dealing with fonts in IE

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August 29, 2010
Posts: 46

PostPosted:     Post subject: Dealing with fonts in IE
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: Any geeks out there? I think I count as one, but could use some help.

I want to increase ONLY the Arabic font as displayed in IE. Anyone know how to do that? Know of any good, active geek forums to go to for help?

I am learning Arabic. The pages that I view online are so far in mixed Arabic and in Roman letters (usually French and English). For some reason, Microsoft's default font size for Arabic letters is TINY compared with the same size Roman. I need about an 18:10 pixels Arabic:Roman ratio.

So, do I have to learn how to make a user CSS?


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Posted:     Post subject: Technology

This is a dated reply but maybe can help someone else also.

1. Create the Arabic posts in the HTML tab and surround the entire post content with something like ... and then style on the text within that div.

2. Use custom fields to add some sort of language value that could then be used to add a class automatically to Arabic posts.

This info came from esmi Theme Diva at the link (removed)


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August 29, 2010
Posts: 46

PostPosted:     Post subject:
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Thanks Jeffspirit,

I'm still here and never did resolve that problem. What you're suggesting, I think, only works for posts. I'm looking for a default font-enlarging command for how all Arabic fonts appear, whether a post or in my browser.

Now I'm on to Sanskrit and probably wouldn't put the effort into Arabic since I'm not looking at those sites any more. But as you say, maybe it will help someone else.

Wow! I thought this place was a ghost-town! Nice to see someone other than me on these forums!


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I found that online looking it up Google search. I always give credit due to those who have the credit. It's not mine to say, but was said for the author again from history.

Here's another found at the same site and page. Author is songdogtech. Author's information is:

... If you're mixing Arabic and English in the same post/page, Esmi's idea of a will work. if you have a post/page all in Arabic, the custom field will do it automatically.

Look in your style.css and see what the font-size is in body and p styles - em, px or % - and then bump that up for arabic. Might need a line-height to add spacing, too.

#arabic { font-size: 1.2 em; line-height: 1.5em; } ...

As for Sanskrit, don't know either, am not a geek, just an acknowledged form of spirit connecting to that which finds my way as much as I accept the path given to walk upon.

--- The future reflects the past, so does the past destine the future in static events, such as a page online on a website. Unless that changes, that past will future an event same as yesterday. --- jeffspirit

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