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Reasons for remaining celibate

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June 14, 2007
Posts: 1

PostPosted:     Post subject: Reasons for remaining celibate
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[/b] I have been voluntarily celibate because I don't think that S-- is a very essential part in my life, although, my personal opinion doesn't hold any merit to those whose opinions are varied. I had the dubious guy very recently or in the very recent year that has passed, but I also knew that S-- was going to be a conflicting issue or it was going to be the catalyst of whatever was going to blossom or dissolve very quickly as it had gotten formed. He exuded very great characteristics, but he was very insistent about the S-- topic, but, in addition, he had also known that I was not ready for that type of situation because I was very brief or concise about my celibacy in the very beginning of being acquainted with him so he wasn't misled or told about my celibacy out of spontaneity. He was good or came into my life when I need to meet someone new or refreshing in my life, but he wasn't meant to be in my life for a life time. I become immensely angered when people seem to think celibacy is always linked to religious or traditional values, but it doesn't necessarily mean that with every celibate person, they are celibate due to those very "typical" reasons. It can very plausibly be because it may not be a high priority in their lives, maybe they believe that there are more crucial things in their lives they need to accomplish other than being the s----l thing because there are much more important priorites and issues than s--. It could also be the strong distrust for the opposite sex, and I can definitely agree on that reason, but I primarily don't have S-- because I feel I have to many things to accomplish in my life more than making S-- the epitome of my life. I have been celibate for five years, and I intend on being celibate for years to come.

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August 29, 2010
Posts: 46

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`ummm... Is anyone moderating this forum? This should not be here.

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