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I'm New, I'm New, I don't know what to do...

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject: I'm New, I'm New, I don't know what to do...

Hello, I am new to this site, just looking to meet new people with similar thoughts and outlooks... I am 25 years old and got divorced this year, I have decided I just want to take sometime and truly connect with myself and who I am. But that does not mean that I want to be or enjoy being lonely. I am open to new friendships and chatting it up!!!

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former member default image - bird flying away

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former member default image - bird flying away

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Hi celibacy community,
Its so nice to think that their may be others out there hopefully of both sexes, that believe that S-- is not what its all about, yes we all have a desire to be hugged and felt loved by someone, but some of us just dont feel we need to get all that intimate to enjoy that feeling of togetherness, I hope to meet friends on here, probably closer to may age so we can relate about our ages and what we may have been through. I do have some old childhood, female friends, but I find I can love and relate to men just as easily. These friends all live very far away, so perhaps I can meet someone closer to my area, if not I'm about ready to move somewhere anyway, as Im feeling like maybe this little town I live in is not meant for me anyway, as Im just too isolated here.
My favorite thing to do is to be able to listen to someone tell me their life experience, or just chat about their daily lives, when their ready of course, as Im a great listener and since I find that many people have lived such interesting lives, including myself. I try to be a positive person, and I find as long as I live in the now, that i can stay that way for the most part. So if you're open to communication and maybe to becoming friends, buddies or companions one day, no matter which S-- you are. I seem to get along equally with both, as we are all just human beings, when it comes down to it. Im very honest and down to earth type of person,and I'm sick and tired of feeling so alone in my life. Please feel free to contact me if you can relate.

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