daco (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: God is my Friend - but am I a Friend to God? |
In the Name of Jesus Christ
For a long time I kept asking myself: am I? Do I give God the … time of day? at least on Sundays? I kept trying to figure my "time with God", but it is hard to fathom.
This is why I am asking your help:
How do you see your relationship with God?
Hearing from each other about how we relate with God may better inspire each of us to improve our personal relationship with Him.
God Is our unconditional Friend Eternal.
Today is the Day of The Lord - He dedicated one day of the week to remembrance of our Divine Friendship.
Interestingly, God is with us every moment of Eternity - yet for us human beings, here on planet earth, He humbly set apart only one of every seven days to spend with Him, only if we want to.
and this is my humble question:
Do we?
May God Bless our quest